Alright. I got all prepared. I dug a huge tunnel. I got the best armor, best weapons, and best potions I could. I grabbed my voodoo doll, and headed down to hell. I dropped it in the lava and waited. This is what I was waiting for...the Wall of Flesh! I could finally get to hard mode and get those precious items! Only there was something wrong. The WoF was way above where he should have been. I couldnt hit his eyes or mouth. He was about 1-2 hundred blocks above me, and I was completely oblivious as to why. I tried to climb higher, but when I did he just went higher as well. So I made it to the end of the map and died, and re-spawned. Thinking my phone or the app was buggy, I restarted both. No result. Same thing over and over. I dont know if Im doing something wrong, but how are you supposed to beat a boss you cant hit? Fix this or give me a way to fix it, and you get my five stars.
Datmelonkid about Terraria, v1.2.12785